power animal - hawk

Get to know your helping animal spirit

At last, at last, you have welcomed a helping spirit in animal form – a protector, healer and teacher – into your life. It has chosen you – you – and no one but you!

Perhaps it isn’t the animal, bird, reptile or insect that you expected. Perhaps it is. Whatever the animal spirit, it has agreed to protect and guide you. It’s a big commitment, and one that you need to honour by getting to know your power animal. Make it a part of your life.

“Power animal” is a common term for a helping spirit in animal form. Both of the terms “power animal” and “totem animal” are derived from the native cultures of the Pacific Northwest. In core shamanism, Michael Harner always referred to “helping spirits in animal form” – a more generic but aptly descriptive term. It’s a mouthful!

The question is: how?

How do you form a relationship with your helping spirit in animal form?

If you know how to journey to the spirit world, you can work on your relationship like you would any friendship or mentorship. You would visit often and ask clear questions with intention. Over time, your understanding and appreciation of your helping spirit will grow.

If you do not journey to the spirit world, you can still meet your helping spirit in animal form during meditation. Find a quiet spot, preferably in natural surroundings, where you can let your thoughts wander to a deeper place. Seek your helping spirit there.

Dancing “wild”

Ask your animal spirit to dance in your shoes.

What, you say? Dance with a power animal? How does that work?

Animal spirits miss the middle world – the plane where we exist – and enjoy a good romp in this reality. It makes them happy. What brings joy, spreads joy.

And, aside from the colossal benefit of power sharing, this practice helps you to let go of your inhibitions – feeling foolish or self-conscious – and develop the confidence to embrace what’s within you. If you feel nervous about dancing like a wild animal, find a private place. Beat a drum or shake a rattle rapidly – or download and listen to a shamanic drumming track. And when you are ready…

Invite your animal spirit to dance. When it comes to you, merge with it. Hold its spirit in your soul. Breathe deeply, and soon, your body will start to twitch and move on its own. You’ll feel the urge to dance. Embrace it. Let go of “the ego”. Dance “wild”.

Helping spirit, come dance with me! Fill me with your power!

Dance like your animal spirit. A bird flies, a snake slithers, a horse gallops. Mimic the motion of your animal spirit to help it to enjoy sharing power in a natural way.

You will feel wonderful – free, empowered, joyful, energized – or overcome with emotion. Every dance plays out differently. But afterwards, you’ll feel grounded, confident and protected.

Dance until the spiritual energy leaves your body. You’ll know when to stop. Slowly return your awareness to this reality. Breathe deeply, until your heart rate slows, and stamp your feet on the floor. Set aside some quiet time to write your experiences in a journal.

Accept my sincere gratitude for sharing your wisdom, protection and power.

Express your gratitude

Dancing with a helping animal spirit is a blessing. That’s why it’s important to thank your helping spirit in animal form for its guidance and protection – after dancing and during journeys to the spirit world.

This helping spirit freely shares its wisdom and power with you. The least that you can do is to say thanks. You may choose to ignore the advice that you receive from the spirit world, but you still need to show your respect and honour the animal spirit with gratitude.

Another way to honour your power animal is to bring it into your life with intention. Collect representations of your power animal – photographs, art, carvings, tokens or fetishes – to keep in your home or office space or place on an altar. These physical reminders keep your thoughts about your power animal alive and encourage you to maintain this spiritual relationship.