Doorways at Chaco ruins


Divination is a path to deeper understanding.

One of the shaman’s most important roles is to divine knowledge from helping spirits on behalf of others. This knowledge reveals answers, guidance and hidden truths to the seeker, who is looking for guidance and meaning in challenging times, and who asks a clear question with intention.

Gain insight into a question or uncover hidden knowledge.

Are you seeking answers?

Shamanic divination is the art of seeing and interpreting knowledge from helping spirits. In my shamanic practice, I use two methods of divination: journeying and divination tools.

Shamans believe that helping spirits can place messages in everything around us, but mostly in natural objects. Since the dawn of humanity, shamans have used bone, wood, crystals, rocks and other objects as ways to convey answers from the Spirit World to those who seek answers, guidance and hidden knowledge. Helping spirits guide the shamanic practitioner to detect patterns in the divination tool that convey messages to the seeker from the Spirit World.

I can help you to create a good question with clear intention.

Intention is the backbone of good divination work. Seekers can only ask questions about themselves. They must frame their questions carefully and with focus. Questions that are too broad may yield a confusing mishmash of information. Questions with yes or no answers are best avoided; they can give unclear, misleading or easily misinterpreted answers.

Energy flows where intention goes.

Sometimes, messages from the Spirit World are simple and easily understood, offering practical advice. Sometimes, the answers are metaphorical and need deeper thought. They may take a while to figure out. They may have a profound impact on your life. Helping spirits may choose to guide you along a completely different path. Anything is possible.

Shamanic divination does not predict the future or provide a “forever” answer. Answers to questions and messages pertain only to you at this moment – in the here and now.

How does it work?

Contact me with your question. I can help you to frame a clear intention.

We can interact by e-mail, messenger, telephone or remotely (Zoom or Skype). After you submit a question, I will use a divination tool or journey to consult my helping spirits. You do not need to be there. I will contact you with the answer. I usually follow up within a week or two to touch base and ask how you feel about the divination.

If we meet in person, you may bring a many-sided or multi-faced rock (not a crystal) from nature that calls you to pick it up. I will let you know if this tool is suitable for divination.