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Shamanism, the world’s most ancient spiritual practice, is humanity’s oldest form of spiritual healing. The original holistic approach to wellbeing, shamanism empowers the mind, body and soul. For millennia, our ancestors have trusted shamans to contact helping spirits to bring healing, practical knowledge and wisdom to their community.

“Shaman” (SHAH-mahn), from a Siberian tribal word, refers to a person who is able to experience an altered state of consciousness. Shamans travel to non-ordinary reality to commune with helping spirits. They understand that everything – you and I, animals and plants, rivers and mountains, the sky, planets and stars – has a soul. And, all souls are connected.

Ancient shamanism survives in the Amazonian jungle and Siberian subarctic. Shamans are found in indigenous cultures in North and Central America. Unfortunately, shamanism tends to disappear when outsiders influence indigenous spiritual life.

Ancient tools for modern insight

Core shamanism

Over 50 years ago, anthropologist Michael Harner began to study traditional shamanism in different cultures worldwide. His research identified common tools, approaches and practices that almost all shamans share. He referred to these universal features as “core shamanism”.

Core shamanism is not a religion; it’s a set of simple tools that lets anyone to access non-ordinary reality. The use of repetitive sounds or motions – drums, rattles or dancing – enables any seeker to enter a trance-like state. They then journey within to access “non-ordinary” reality – the Spirit World. Harner developed The Way of the Shaman, a program that adapts the universal features of shamanism, to help people solve their problems. Anyone can learn:

  • How to meet and work with helping spirits, such as power animals and spirit guides, to find your way
  • How to heal spiritual problems, such as soul loss or intrusive energy traps
  • Divination skills – ways to divine the path ahead for yourself and others

Modern shamans journey to the Spirit World on your behalf. They are your guides to this realm. Shamans help you to access the power of non-ordinary reality to restore balance and for protection, enlightenment and spiritual healing. They can teach you how to journey to the Spirit World. A Harner Shamanic Counselor (HSC) can guide you to deeper understanding with guided journeying.