Deciding which way to travel in life?

Only one true compass can guide you: the one in your heart. It can help you to navigate the potholes and detours of your past and shift your direction to follow a new route into the future.

How do you find your inner compass? One method is shamanic journeying – a spiritual tool that shamanic practitioners have used for more than 40,000 years.

Shamanic journeying is an awesome experience. I can explain how to “go within” to consult your personal compass, but talking about it and doing it are completely different things – like looking at a line on a roadmap versus driving your car down the road that line represents. There’s nothing like it!

And, like any form of travel, the journey along this inner highway teaches you about yourself and helps to broaden your horizons. It may even help to transform your life.

Shamanic journeying workshops

In a shamanic journeying workshop, you will learn how to journey to non-ordinary reality – a state of consciousness similar to a profoundly deep meditation – with the aid of a sonic driver, such as a drum or rattle. Your imagination will open the door to your subconscious mind, leading you on the quest to connect with your inner compass.

After an introduction to shamanic journeying, you are welcome to join our monthly shamanic journeying circle. Find out more about the monthly circle at

Learn to journey at home

On your own or with a small group of friends, you can learn how to journey to The Spirit World to meet helping spirits or retrieve a power animal in the comfort of your home. (For more information about power animals, go to
Please use the form below to contact me for details at (with the subject line: Personal journeying).

Please let me know about your next shamanic journeying workshop.

    *Located in the West Island area of Montreal. Your personal information is confidential and will not be shared in any way.