Antelope Canyon 1

Shamanic extraction

Remove energy that doesn’t belong.

In a shamanic extraction, I work with helping spirits to remove any energy from your body that does not belong. This misplaced energy is known as an intrusion.

Emotion has energy. We store emotions, such as stress and anger, in our bodies. 

Energy intrusions come from inside and outside sources. For example, you may absorb someone’s sadness or someone may hit you with their anger. Conversely, you may internalize stress at work or when dealing with a personal or family crisis. These emotions intrude on your spiritual wellbeing. The body remembers and stores them. Shamans believe that such energy intrusions can even cause physical illness. Extraction ceremonies are a powerful way to release energy intrusions that weigh you down.

Energy intrusions affect our spiritual and even physical health, leading to stress-related illness.

Shamans do not care about the source of intrusions. They make no distinction between types of misplaced energy. Their helping spirits guide them to see any energy that does not belong and extract it. A shaman merges with a helping spirit, who pulls the intrusion out of your body. The helping spirit protects the shaman from absorbing the intrusion during shamanic extraction. It increases the shaman’s power enough to break the bond that holds intrusive energy in your body, and remove it. The shaman throws it away, usually into water, where it becomes neutralized. Or, the helping spirit may guide the shaman to transform it into positive energy to send into the universe.

The removal of intrusive energy leaves a void. You must not leave this void for other energy intrusions to fill. So, a shaman will often fill it with healing energy. That is why, after shamanic extraction, you may need a power animal retrieval or soul retrieval.

Do you need a shamanic extraction?

If you’re interested in finding out, I will consult my helping spirits on your behalf. Contact me to start an investigation to explore the possibility. If they agree that you need this spiritual healing, I will schedule either a distance healing session on Zoom or Skype or a one-on-one appointment in the suburban Montreal area. Sessions usually last 60 to 90 minutes.