Seven signs of soul loss

Have you lost a part of your soul?

What are the signs that a part of your soul has fled to survive a difficult challenge in your life? Does a trauma, such as physical, emotional or verbal abuse, accidents, bullying, loss of a loved one and hurtful insults, cause soul loss? Has part of your soul fled to protect itself, until danger passes and healing can begin?

Here are seven signs of soul loss:

  1. Your energy level is different than it was before.
  2. You may lack strength or stamina.
  3. It’s harder to handle the stresses of daily life. You may feel anxious and powerless.
  4. “I don’t feel like myself”.
  5. You aren’t able to feel the joy of life.
  6. “Something is missing”.
  7. You can’t move forward, feel blocked or have lost your path.

Soul retrieval can return what’s missing. Welcome home a part of your soul – one ready and willing to return. Become more of whom you are.

Whenever we cannot cope with a psychological or emotional experience, our psyche protects us. It sends part of our soul deep into our subconscious, where it can survive.

Many of us experience soul loss. Major traumas, such as violence, war, abuse, car accidents, or death of a loved one, cause soul loss. When we are young, sometimes, traumatic experiences aren’t so obvious. As a child, getting lost or being mistreated, manipulated, bullied, criticised unfairly or repeatedly ignored dramatically affects the soul.

Losing a fragment of your soul influences your actions, thoughts and behaviour. When a part of the soul is locked away, you may feel a loss of the whole self.

Feeling incomplete may lead to mental health problems, such as addiction, depression, anxiety and stress-related disorders. That’s because, with soul loss, you lose your sense of self. Without a strong sense of self, you are vulnerable. While striving to become whole, you may seek to heal yourself by trying to please others, becoming a workaholic, escaping or withdrawing from life.

In shamanism, the flight of part of you is called soul loss. Ideally, once the traumatic experience is over, the soul part will return. In reality, people are sometimes caught in a behavioural loop and don’t know how to recover, and soul loss continues. When this happens, a shamanic practitioner can journey to recover what you have lost in a soul retrieval ceremony.

A shamanic practitioner journeys to the Spirit World to gather up and return lost soul part. Soul retrieval is an ancient and powerful shamanic practice. With the help of a drum, the practitioner enters an altered state of consciousness and, with the aid of helping spirits, interacts with the soul part, inviting it to return willingly to you. The practitioner is then able to retrieve the part and empower your soul, so healing can begin.

But the work doesn’t stop there. Soul retrieval is the first part of a process. The soul part needs to be re-integrated into your psyche. A shamanic practitioner can heal you to achieve this goal through guided meditation.

Soul retrieval is a catalyst of change.

Soul retrieval may have a remarkable effect on your life. Problems won’t heal overnight, but you will begin to feel the influence of what has returned over the next few weeks or months. After soul retrieval, you are likely to feel:

  • A sense of peace
  • Joyful and alive
  • Safe, secure and grounded in your body
  • More clarity about your life, relationships and purpose
  • Less attraction to bad habits and addictions
  • A sense of wholeness
  • More aware, with heightened senses
  • A stronger sense of self, more confident

To learn more about soul retrieval, go to: